Leerdammer Family friendly board
15-20 minutes
- Leerdammer Cheese
- Choose your favorite, seasonal ingredients. Board pictured above uses the following:
- Baby Carrots
- Broccoli Florets
- Yogurt-Covered Pretzels
- Pretzel Sticks
- Crackers
- Salami
- Watermelon
- Green Grapes
Substitute items based on your personal taste. Keep it colorful and fun!
1. Remove Leerdammer cheese from its packaging and cut it into bite-sized cubes.
2. Wash and prepare seasonal veggies such as baby carrots and broccoli florets.
3. Wash and prepare seasonal fruits such as grapes and watermelon.
4. Slice up your favorite salami.
5. Choose your favorite crackers and pretzels.
6. Add some sweetness with yogurt-covered pretzels.
Arrange all your ingredients in clusters around the platter, filling in any empty spaces. Add dimension by stacking some items higher or placing small portions in bowls.
Enjoy your beautifully arranged platter!
Substitute items based on your personal taste. Keep it colorful and fun!